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Monday, July 18, 2011

Free Table Transformation

The first thing you see when you walk into Mom's craft room is the big ugly desk. So that's where we started our makeover efforts.

This desk - one that my mother literally had B Daddy and Uncle Lee drag down the street, into their house and up a flight of stairs after it was left curbside by some moving neighbors - is where all the crafting magic takes place in the craft room.

It had experienced a good bit of wear and tear in its previous life. So the first step was to wood glue the sagging trim, putty all the dents and dings and then give her a good sanding.

After letting it sit for a bit (approximately 5 minutes, even that was a test of our patience) we slapped on a coat of primer (we avoided the edge where the wood glue was still REALLY wet.)

After a first coat of black paint I was really worried this ugly duckling was never going to clean up. But three coats later it looked like maybe the plan was starting to come together after all....


  1. Hey, just to let you know, that "big, ugly" desk/table that you so disliked in the before... we have gotten these tables and sold them (after a little paint/restoring) for around $ consider that you just saved that much. They seem to be from an institution- like a prison, library, government type building. You may find some printing on the underside to confirm this. It just adds to the history and our customers love history of their newly aquired pieces - the weirder the better.

  2. Oh wow Helen! That is incredible. I'll have to do some investigating. It definitely has an institutional look to it.


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