B Daddy and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary this past week.
That's how long high school is - didn't high school last FOREVER?
4 years of marriage has seemingly flown by... 6 vacation adventures, 5 camping trips, 4 football seasons, 3 job changes, 2 small groups, 1 ridiculously awesome dog and of course the ever adorable Squirt.
Our celebration began on Thursday (when all great weekends truly begin - and our actual anniversary) with a picnic lunch and hike in the ATL. Palisades West is a small park hidden along the Chattahoochee River that gives you the illusion of being miles away from the smog and city traffic even though you're still inside the perimeter (the ring road that surrounds the city for you non-Atlantans).
We enjoyed some off-trail hiking...the river has risen several feet with all the rain lately and washed out several parts of the trails.
We picnic-ed. (Don't think that's a verb - editor?) Peas are a delightful picnic snack.
Then Friday we headed over to Athens, partied like it was 2003 and stayed out until last call!
B Daddy at the Globe
I got a hair cut this past week. We are clearly still getting to know each other.
Heard a great band - The Bridges - playing at Tasty World.
A.D.D moment - doesn't she look like Pioneer Woman from back here?!
We caught up with some old friends at Blue Sky (insert mental picture here - camera was AWOL) which used to serve coffee...now it's a bar. Oh the times they are a changin'.
Saturday morning we drove out and visited the Chapel we were married in.
We even danced on the patio where we had our first spin as a married couple - cheesy yes. But it was my kinda cheese and I'll remember that dance for a long time to come.
I am so blessed to be doing life with BJ!
I hope we make this trip each year for a long time to come.