Monday, September 23, 2013
The Bloggedy Blog
It's September 23rd and this is my first post this month. Yikes. I guess you could say I'm dropping the blog ball. For the last 4 years I've kept Crazy Joy afloat through a combination of early morning blogging and nap time blogging.
Early mornings are out now for blogging. I get up at 6am (on a good day) and it takes every second of the 45 minutes to an hour I have alone for me and God to talk through how on earth I'm going to survive another day in my life.
And nap time my friends, is a tricky thing these days.
Nowadays I usually have one solid hour of alone time during the nap 'hours'. On a bad day it's less than thirty minutes. After the last kid is tucked in, I pick the one BIG thing that needs doing without six extra hands (usually dinner), get it done and then collapse on the couch with a book or some recorded show on the DVR and space out until I hear the padding of little feet down the hallway.
On the rare days where all the kids are down at the same time for two hours, I wander through the main part of the house wondering what on earth I'm supposed to do with all that time. I usually remember the blog about the time those little feet start heading my way.
A few things I keep meaning to blog about:
- B Daddy and I went to see Mumford & Sons. It was amazing. But dude, General Admission seating?? We are too old for that crap anymore. Next concert we will have cushy seats that no drunk guys can sit in with us.
- We have a swanky new patio out back. You should come over for s'mores sometime.
- I'm trying to lose 5 lbs (yes, again. What is it with those 5 lbs? Go away already.)
- I scored some awesome deals at the thrift store last week. Nerf guns for $1 people. Whaaaattttt??!
- Our hideous lack of landscaping out front where the garden was this summer. It's a situation in need of serious attention. If you come over anytime soon, come through the back door. We have a swanky new patio.
- I drink my coffee black now. It makes me feel like a grown-up.
- The Halloween dilemma. The Squirt has wanted to be the Flash, Batman, Buzz Lightyear, a Jedi knight and Superman in the span of the last two weeks. I'm thinking maybe he can just go as a superhero with MPD?
- Am I really going to homeschool next year???
Maybe y'all can vote on what you want to see on the blog. It's probably pictures of my kids, isn't it? My camera hates me and refuses to upload things onto my computer, so if you need more Leipprandt kids in your life, follow me on instagram - @leipprandt.
Thanks for reading and for loving on us via your emails, comments and words of encouragement. Y'all are my favorites.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Bible Study Fellowship
I'm really excited about a new Bible study I started earlier this week. It's an international Bible study program with over 1000 locations called Bible Study Fellowship. This year they are studying the book of Matthew.
I'll be going on Tuesday mornings and - the kicker - there is a corresponding children's program that is FREE. Um yup, sign me up. My neighbor Annie told me about it over the summer and convinced me I needed this in my life as soon as she threw "childcare during the day" into her little sales pitch.
It does mean that I'll be missing my beloved Dance Battle Build class on Tuesday mornings, so I worked out a brilliant plan to head straight to the gym after BSF and get in a quick Xfit class. (My brilliant plan also included packing a lunch and feeding the kids in the car. Bible study, working out AND no crumbs on the kitchen floor? Brill.i.ant.) When I arrived at the First Baptist church this past Tuesday, it was clear I was slightly under-dressed in my jeans. There were ladies in pantyhose y'all. Pantyhose! Memories of avoiding the church my sister went to in college because I could never find anything appropriate to wear came flooding back. Sweet Annie (one of my favorite transplanted Midwesterners) was appalled that we hadn't warned her of the dress code. Oh Baptists.
I'm wondering how my work-out gear is going to be received next week??
Life of Faith
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