Yes my tongue was in my cheek as I wrote that headline.
It's been about 6 months since we "finished" the kitchen. Only it's still not quite finished - we just stopped working on it. Maybe it has something to do with the new baby, but most likely it's just the slackerness running thickly through our veins.
But because I love you and because I know you are DYING to see pics - I'll show off the kitchen's mostly finished self. : )
....first let's re-visit what we started with shall we?
Lovely. And I apologize for the blurry second picture. Your eyes are fine.
The positives in the old kitchen were the hardwoods (installed by us. Well not by us...paid for by us is more like it) decent cabinets and new faucet (actually installed by us...wait no, actually my father-in-law did that one I think). We painted the walls when we moved in, but 4 years later I hated the color and wanted to tone it down.
And so, countless hours of sanding, 3 coats of paint, 1 month of construction-zone living and nearly 8 months she is!
This kitchen was done on a pretty tight budget and some of my favorite things were the cheapest! I love the super deep single basin sink that hides a multitude of sins (aka dirty dishes).
I love the shelf we installed (and by "we" yet again I mean a trained professional...this time my amazing carpenter/contractor uncle extraordinaire) below the cabinets. It was originally intended to be mainly aesthetic - we raised and painted the old cabinets instead of installing new ones and realized the huge gap between counters and cabinets wouldn't look right, so a floating shelf was the solution. But it has turned out to be SO functional. Check out how nicely my laptop sits on it- right at eye-level, perfect for cooking from online recipes.
I can't get over how modern and classic the subway tile is either. And it was practically the cheapest option for a backsplash.
Our splurges? The amazing counter-depth fridge, which really does open the kitchen up. (You can see in the before pics how far out the old fridge came.) The antique trestle table which we got for a steal (on Craigslist) and the granite countertops which make me happy every single day.
So that's the kitchen! We still have window treatments to decide on and install and some accessorizing to do, but it's mostly finished and that's probably how it's gonna stay for a while.
Check out the whole renovation process here: