Laughing: over our family picture session yesterday. Jude lost a one shoe ten minutes in and was consequently a barefooted bumpkin in the rest of the shots. Also, I fell into a stream. Literally. Fell into a stream. Wearing nice boots and cute jeans. Reminded me strongly of this post about our family pictures from years ago. What is it about our family that suggests wading into streams?
Anticipating: Traveling to Savannah to see my partner in crime from college tomorrow. She's getting hitched and I cannot wait to see her beautiful self! Also - I bought a "big girl" dress for this occasion. I'm tired of never having the right thing to wear when nice occasions come around. I'm hoping this dress is a somewhat universal solution.
Sorely missing: the YMCA. I cannot seem to figure out how to make working out fit with our schedule currently and I am missing the classes I usually attend so much.
Pondering: this NY Times article on what's happened to face-to-face conversation in the age of smartphones. Your thoughts?
Devouring: Dove Dark Chocolates with Almonds. Every. Single. Night. It's like a reward for getting the kids and myself through yet another day alive.
Giving thanks: for margin. Financially, relationally and time-wise. I feel like we have established some good boundaries over the past few years and are currently enjoying the fruit of those decisions.
Ready: for autumn weather to stay. Just switched out my summer clothes for the rich tones and beautiful plaids of fall!
Reading: The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst. Could really use a group to discuss it with...but I'll settle for regurgitating my every thought about it to B Daddy.
Missing: my small group of
Baking: these indulgent Apple Streusel Cheesecake bars. A cookie mix and a can of apple pie filling makes them quick and easy.
What's your week been like and what are your weekend plans!?