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Friday, August 25, 2017

Is Blogging (and therefore this blog) Dead?

I took an extended break from the blog toward the end of summer. It wasn't intentional, it just seemed in keeping with my need to stop doing all the things this summer. 

After a beach trip heralding the start of summer, we came home and dropped all our formal lessons. We spent our days reading, imagining and playing. We paused the kids' karate lessons for 6 weeks. I even stopped setting my alarm clock in the morning. 

It was freeing to wake up with little to no plans for the day, to leave the TV on for too long, to let the kids stay up too late and to eat cheese+carbs for dinner too many nights in a row. 

Our trip to northern Michigan (which I fully documented on IG) a few weeks back signaled the end of summer for us. We came home and dove in with both feet, picking up school and karate and setting that alarm clock for the first time in months. This Thursday was our first day of the Classical Conversations community we joined this year. 

Several times over the past week I've thought about blogging; doing a back to school post, or posting that peanut butter pie recipe I teased y'all with on Instagram...but it just hasn't felt urgent. 

In 2009 blogging was a lifesaver thrown my way as the waves of motherhood were threatening to drown me. This blog was an outlet for my heart and my thoughts on days the walls were closing in. This blog unearthed a love for writing and a knack for communicating. 

But these days the kids talk back to me (mostly in good ways) and I'm feeling more at home on the seas of parenthood. I'll have deep thoughts in the shower and want to write something longer than an Instagram caption, but the urge is often fleeting. And now thanks to Instagram and Instagram stories, y'all know what we're doing and how my day has been, so the blog feels redundant in many ways. 

I don't know if the blog is dead or just on hiatus. I do know what a gift it has been, mostly because of those of you who have been faithfully reading and responding for 9 years. If you still read blogs, or even just this blog, let me know what kinds of posts are worth your time to read. And since it requires practically zero brain-space to post an instagram story, rest assured I won't be giving up that low cost/high reward platform any time soon. 

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