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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bible Study Fellowship

I'm really excited about a new Bible study I started earlier this week. It's an international Bible study program with over 1000 locations called Bible Study Fellowship. This year they are studying the book of Matthew.

I'll be going on Tuesday mornings and - the kicker - there is a corresponding children's program that is FREE. Um yup, sign me up. My neighbor Annie told me about it over the summer and convinced me I needed this in my life as soon as she threw "childcare during the day" into her little sales pitch. 

It does mean that I'll be missing my beloved Dance Battle Build class on Tuesday mornings, so I worked out a brilliant plan to head straight to the gym after BSF and get in a quick Xfit class. (My brilliant plan also included packing a lunch and feeding the kids in the car. Bible study, working out AND no crumbs on the kitchen floor? Brill.i.ant.)  When I arrived at the First Baptist church this past Tuesday, it was clear I was slightly under-dressed in my jeans. There were ladies in pantyhose y'all. Pantyhose! Memories of avoiding the church my sister went to in college because I could never find anything appropriate to wear came flooding back. Sweet Annie (one of my favorite transplanted Midwesterners) was appalled that we hadn't warned her of the dress code. Oh Baptists.

I'm wondering how my work-out gear is going to be received next week?? 


  1. Kate, how kewl you have found BSF!! I am a Children's Leader in Roanoke, VA EW Class. Many of younger gals/gents come in jeans, and even BSF Leaders can wear jeans now! Don't you fret about what you are wearing. You are there and then going to work out class. If you still feel uncomfortable speak with the Teaching Leader. I am praying for you luv.

  2. I am laughing out loud!! :) It took me a full 24 hours to get over the fact that I showed up in jean shorts. Keep me in check, neighbor! ;)


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