This was actually a spur of the moment rainy day project, inspired by my sweet niece's request (her mama's request rather) for some 1st birthday hair bows. (I warned y'all last week that I was feeling crafty!)
My sister has two little girls and I figure their bathroom will soon be overrun by hair paraphernalia, so pulled this together as a simple way to present the gift and corral the bows at the same time. (Two birds, one stone. Love it.)
It was easy and FREE! since I had an old frame, leftover fabric, paint and twine laying around.
Step 1: Remove the glass and backing and paint frame any color you like
Sorry for the awful and off-centered pic. Not in an editing state of mind today.
Step 2: Rough up the paint haphazardly with a scrap of sandpaper
Step 3: Cut fabric to the size of your frame backing and glue down
Step 4: Wrap twine around the frame and glue down from the back.
(Don't wrap it super tight...leave room so you can actually clip the bows on)
Step 5: Pop the backing into your frame and ta da! Admire.
I liked it enough to make myself one that will serve as a memo board until #2 has enough hair for bows.
Cute idea!