This is my absolute favorite time of day.
The world is at peace - and right now so is my baby. My husband is off at the office and I am here with my coffee and my computer.
Now I understand those Folgers commercials that were always on when I was a kid. The best part of waking up truly is Folgers in your cup. Or Starbucks. Or Eight O'Clock. We're Eight O'Clock coffee people 'round here.
I am truly sad for you non-coffee drinkers. You don't know what you're missing. I actually look forward to dragging myself out of bed when I think about my cup of coffee and this little round table in our kitchen. Life seems less complicated from this vantage point.
But I digress...
I've missed this little blog over the past few weeks. I've been frazzled and harried and working on a project that had me putting in 70+ hours a week at my "part time" job. 70+ hours and 4 month olds don't mix. Trust me.
But I'm hoping that's the last time I see that kind of craziness for a while (uh, or ever) and so this morning, I'm sitting down with my coffee re-evaluating why I work.
I am lucky enough to have an employer that lets me work from home and come in to the office on an as need basis. My first month back went smoothly enough and then well... September was incredibly difficult. I cried more in September than I did right after E was born.
It's a challenge to juggle breastfeeding and client phone calls. And somehow E always manages to wake up from his nap just as I'm coming to the important part of most conversations. But even so, I wouldn't trade the chaos for a full-time office position.
I'm still debating whether I'd leave the chaos (and the commissions) to be simply a mom.
What about you?
Moms with kiddos at home - what do you do? Stay at home? Work part-time? Do you have a full-time gig?
Do you wonder if the grass is greener on the other side like I do?
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