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Friday, June 10, 2016

Sorry Y'all, But Going to the Pool Sucks

I hate taking my kids to the pool. As in, I. Hate. It. I know this makes me a terrible mother. Summertime is supposed to be about flip flops and chlorine and the faint whiff of sunscreen. I know. I KNOW.  But if you have very young kids or have seen someone at the pool with toddlers, you must have a vague awareness that the effort required by a mother to get to the pool is not in any way, shape or form equivalent to the pleasure received from being at the pool.

All around me moms are proclaiming the glories of summer. Breathlessly anticipating time at the pool or God forbid, a trip to the beach.  What do these ladies know that I don't? I'm sorry y'all, but going to the pool sucks. Don't even get me started on the beach. the rest of this post over at today! 

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