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Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 3: Still Losing

Fact #1: This past weekend was B Daddy's and my inaugural weekend leading 9th grade students at Buckhead Church, which meant a lock-in Friday night and then church Sunday evening with dinner afterwards.

Fact #2: This weekend I ate a pecan waffle at Waffle House, Papa John's pizza AND a double cheeseburger from Wendy's. The waffle was definitely worth the calories, but the cheeseburger - NO WAY. I was so bummed out when I realized how bad it was for me. And it wasn't even that yummy.

Fact #3: Facts #1 and #2 are irrevocably related.

This has all led to a personal revelation of sorts. Being involved in high school ministry is going to be very dangerous for my waistline. Note to self: eat BIG semi-healthy dinners before attending future events.

Regardless, I'm still slightly down from my weight last week and I have Zumba, days at the pool and a Sunday morning run to thank for that.

Start weight: 149
Current weight: 143.5 : )
Goal weight: 143

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on reaching your goal weight!! I'm so ready for this baby weight to take a hike!


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