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Monday, September 13, 2010

30 Things Before the Big 3-0

I've got less than 22 months before my 30th birthday rolls around and just a few things I'd like to have experienced before I enter the next decade.

Some are little things, some seem quite impossible to me right now (finances...bleh!) but they either tug at my heart in quiet moments of wanderlust, or they are things I whole-heartedly believe every self-respecting 30-something year old should have checked off a list.

I made this list waaaaaaay back when I was 26 and had not yet given birth or gotten knocked up again, so some may seem a little ambitious now... but I'd love your encouragement and accountability. And if you can facilitate any of these things, by all means give me a shout! (Any biscuit-making queens out there?)

  1. Climb Stone Mountain 11/14/2008
  2. Make a fresh omelet with an egg from my own chickens and veggies from my own garden. 08/28/2010
  3. Fill our family room with things I love - not hand-me-downs
  4. Learn how to lead climb - in the gym or outdoors
  5. Go hang gliding over Lookout Mountain
  6. Compete in a triathlon
  7. Go see the World of Coca-Cola 09/07/2010
  8. Take voice lessons
  9. Take a cooking class 07/08/2010
  10. Go scuba diving again
  11. Learn how to roll a kayak
  12. Have one of those hip family photo sessions everyone else has had 10/15/2010
  13. Give birth 05/06/2009
  14. Learn how to sew - if only well enough to make Halloween costumes for my kids 12/31/08
  15. Pull together photo albums of Hawaii, Jamaica, Australia and Grand Canyon trips
  16. Learn how to drive a stick shift (I know...tragic. Embarrassing. I know.)
  17. Perfect a divine "go-to" dinner for company
  18. Change my passport to my married name
  19. Get pregnant again 04/20/2010
  20. Visit BJ's family in Michigan
  21. Take my Grandmother out to dinner
  22. Kayak Cumberland Island
  23. Go camping with my kid(s)
  24. Drive the Blueridge Parkway in the Fall
  25. Make a perfect biscuit from scratch
  26. Clean the fridge 05/04/2009
  27. Visit Zoo Atlanta 09/11/2010
  28. Learn how to cut BJ's hair (well) 10/2010
  29. Quit my job and become a full-time mom 02/01/2010
  30. Start a blog 07/16/2009

Do any of you have a "bucket" list? A 30 Before 30 or 60 Before 60? If so, share!


  1. I love this Katie! my birthday is at the end of the month and I've been thinking about the next one too. It will be my golden birthday. I wrote my self a letter almost ten years back and I have to say I'm getting a little nervous about.

    If your looking I have found a really good biscuit recipe I could send you. Oh and if you want help with the haircut I'd be happy to help with that too:) Even be willing to walk through a haircut with you the next time my boys or yours need one.

  2. I will have to post my own little bucket list at some point- a good idea for accountability! However, for now- some thoughs:
    #3- AMEN sister! I will get to work on that one just a bit now in light of 3 years of responsibility and patience. Ok, pretty good responsibility and moderate patience.
    #6 Would be a great post-baby workout plan.
    #12 Heck, I could take some. No promises on hip-ness though :)
    #15 and #18 could be accomplished with a little neighborly babysitting for a few hours.

  3. ummm.. thoughts, not thoughs. I dont even know what those are.

  4. If you want a free accommodation family could come visit and I could take some sort of hip shots of you 4. :)
    I would wait until the day before you turn 30 to tackle the camping thing (though I can say from experience that camping in your own backyard is legit and with 2 small children the whole running-water thing rocks).
    I have a great from-scratch biscuit recipe from Company's Coming that I will send you later after my 2 little angels stop pummelling each other in the family room.
    I love your bucket list. I'm 30 and thinking of 40 things by 40 right now just seems like such a feat :)
    And yes, the bus thing was harder than the dropping-him-off-at-K thing :) Fortunately, his good (older!!!) friends were with him the entire time.

  5. Katie- So fun!! I LOVE your list! You've inspired me to write down my "life-time bucket list" that I think about from time to time. One suggestion is planning one of the big, fun things on your actual 30th birthday (#5, #10, #22, etc). I got to check off skydiving from my mental list on my 30th b-day last year, and it was an awesome way to celebrate!

  6. Katie,
    Love the list- makes me wish I had made one many, many years ago!! #3 needs to happen over a life-time, so if it's full by 30, what will you do the rest of your life? #25 I'm working on something just up your alley...My boss made a video on how to make scratch biscuits. She makes them just about every weekend!! She is looking for it on her computer at home - I'll send it to you as soon as I get it. I also agree with the backyard camping thing. That is what Erin is planning for Griffin's birthday this year - for him & several friends. That should be fun, huh!

  7. katie brock (yes, i'm using the maiden name 'cause you're slightly in trouble). i tried to teach you to drive stick. we can revisit this - would be happy to teach you, but alas, neither of us have sticks currently. if you find the car, i'll be happy to help. good luck with everything.



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