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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Slowing Down This Season

I fumbled to the bathroom at 4:59am and couldn't get back to sleep. There's a long to-do list today. Family is on their way into town, there's a 12 pound turkey in the fridge that needs to be brined and I really wanted to connect with you guys before the holiday season is officially underway.

Thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday of them all - it's so pure and simple. Hundreds of years later, here we are, about to gather around a table, eat good food and give thanks for it. I love the new Friendsgiving tradition and the way this holiday seems to hover above the fray of commercialism that all other holidays have been sucked into. (Although yes, I have the Publix salt and pepper shaker pilgrims and would die for a matching pair of Indians...)

I'm off social media for a while (haven't you've been missing me??) - I'll pop on to post this and hope to write a few entries during the month of December, so email subscribers, no worries! But if you only catch the blog when I post on FB or IG, maybe subscribe via email so you don't miss anything? I'm struggling to manage the ever-present pull of social media with the need to be ever-present in my day-to-day routine, so I think it's best I back away from the smartphone and re-assess.

I'll leave you with this simple list, let me know what you're drinking, feeling, bookmarking in the comments? 

wearing: an old t-shirt with a hole in the collar, joggers and slippers
drinking: coffee coffee there another drink to be had at 5:30am? 
listening: to Una Mattina by Ludovico Einaudi (I love me a good pianist before the sun rises) 
wanting: these pre-dawn hours to be less-fleeting
smelling: my Voluspa candle in Baltic Amber, I'm obsessed
feeling: peaceful. Is there any other way to feel when you're awake before the world?
making: margarita pound cake today for a bridal shower this weekend...fingers crossed it turns out
wishing: some of my high school girls (who are now college girls, but who will always be high school girls to me) would come visit while they're home for the holidays. Hint Hint.
watching: BJ and I just started The Crown on Netflix, so far so good! 
enjoying: hearing Elijah read to Jude before bedtime - it's hard to say who is most delighted with this new development: Jude, me or Elijah. 
eating: clean! I started tracking my macros this past week again, it always helps me to keep an eye on nutrition during a month where it's so easy to go off the rails 
hopingJude phases out of this whole screaming "NO!" act real quick
lovingmy new volunteer commitment with Birds on a Wire MomsI get to talk to adults AND contribute to a ministry that has given so much to me... #winning
bookmarking: my Bible. I've been filling up on the Psalms this morning and think I might want an Advent study to do this year, any suggestions? 

Happy Thanksgiving friends! I'm so grateful you read and respond to this little space where I share my heart.


  1. wearing: oversized t-shirt, sweatpants and a cardigan
    drinking: water
    listening: to mostly silence (it's 9:30pm and the kids are in bed of course)
    wanting: to be able to let go a little more and spend more time with my kids
    smelling: nothing
    feeling: excited about Friendsgiving tomorrow!
    making: some classics - mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, deviled eggs
wishing: my extended family was closer
    watching: Poldark. I love pretty much anything on Masterpiece!
    enjoying: a week off from homeschooling
eating: lots-o salad today. Trying to get back to eating more vegetarian (and losing a few pounds)
hoping: our new dog comes to love my three year old as much as my three year old loves him
    loving: being done nursing a baby - for the last time!!
bookmarking: a book on gratitude (haven't started it yet, but soon)
    needing: to read my Bible more
    Happy Thanksgiving, Katie!

    1. Loved reading this! and I'm jealous of Friendsgiving!! We have so much family around there never seems to be a night to do that. maybe one day!


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