"Love one another, as I have loved you."
John 15:12
Valentine's Day is tomorrow! I remembered much earlier this year than I usually do and decided to get fancy with some computer paper. That banner up there took me ten minutes and cost 0 dollars. My kind of decor.
Flowers from B Daddy and handmade Valentines from the kids complete our household nod to the holiday. (Full disclosure: I did not make these with the kids. When my kids ask me to make crafts with them these days I usually pretend I can't find the glue sticks. We have an AMAZING sitter every Sunday night who has the endurance to tackle things like this with them. God Bless Her.)
The kids and I did roll out some cookies to pass around to their little buddies in the neighborhood. They rolled and cut, I decorated. Clearly.
As far as what we're "doing" for Valentine's Day - B Daddy and I were supposed to be attending an event called Married Life Live at our church tonight, but all this ice means the event was cancelled. Luckily for us we had a day date set up for Saturday afternoon anyway. Some friends are going to watch our kids for us and we'll return the favor for them in a few weeks...so far we've thrown out the idea of getting massages, getting tattoos and going rock climbing - we haven't settled on anything quite yet, but if we get tattoos you'll certainly find out about it.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!
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