(photo credit: @wrivey)
Happy Friday friends! Hope you guys have a fun weekend planned. Our crew is packing up and heading to Athens tomorrow to see our beloved Bulldogs play their Spring scrimmage (and apparently also hear Ludicrous...what?!) I'm so excited for the kids to get a taste of Sanford Stadium and spend some time in my favorite city besides the one I live in. Today I'm sharing links to some of my very favorite things online right now. Enjoy!
Go follow @wrivey on Instagram: So funny I almost want to pack school lunches. #napkinisms
And also, do you follow me? You probably should. Lots of adorable videos of the kids and pictures of the messes they make over there. @leipprandt
A reminder to burn the fancy candle: Use the Good Stuff
Coffee + Crumbs - a mommy blog where the writing is actually top-notch. Beautiful reading when you need to be reminded you are not alone.
I drink a lot of Kool-Aid in regards to choosing simplicity for our kids, so this was right up my alley: Simplifying Childhood May Protect Against Mental Health Issues
Confirmation that creativity comes at a price: Creative People Say 'No'
Podcasts have been a lifesaver during the past 11 weeks that I have been doing the Kayla Itsines BBG plan. My current favorites?
Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs As Karen put it, "sometimes as moms all we need is one nugget to get us through the day." Lots of great nuggets in the first episode of Wire Talk - all about Mommy Guilt.
The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey. (duh.) So good I forgive the girl her lack of geographical knowledge, which drives me -just a little- nuts.
Annie Downs' latest book, Looking for Lovely.
I read it through twice (because I was on her launch team and needed to be sure I really 'got' the book)... full of beautiful phrasing and poignant observations about the everyday beauty around us. I highly recommend it for young women and anyone going through a season they would describe as "broken crazy."
The kids? Animaniacs. And now they can sing, "we're Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain..." just the way I did as a 10 year old. #goals
Me and the man? Parenthood. We're in the middle of Season 2. Currently wondering if Sarah will ever get her life together and why Maddie dresses like such a weirdo. Your thoughts?
Alright your turn to play - what Instagrammers should I be following? Whose podcast do I need to listen to? What new books for my Kindle? Shows for the Netflix queue? Important things hang in the balance here y'all.
I've always wanted to watch Sherlock on Netflix. I'm giving you Jim Gaffigan's book to borrow, "dad is fat". I laugh-cried and smiled in almost every paragraph.