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Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy Monday!

Most years I curse daylight savings time. Today I am loving it. Both my children slept past 8am. And I appreciated that for the unusual treat it was. Which reflects the maturing process I've undergone in the past year. Thankyouverymuch. A year ago I fully expected the Squirt to sleep past 8am and took it for granted that he would so I could have both cups of coffee under my belt before dealing with his toddlerness each day. Today I'm just incredibly grateful for the extra minutes of stillness in my morning.

Besides the wonderful quiet late morning I enjoyed, Uncle Tonny is working on the porch today (oh joy!), the cleaning lady came this morning (hallelujah!) and I had my women's Bible study. Mondays like this are destined for greatness. We went to Chick-fil-A after Bible study and my kids were ANGELS. Seriously. The Squirt helped me get high chairs to the table, ate all of his food, sat quietly without touching his sister for the most part and the most irritating thing Sweet B did was repeatedly drop her sippy cup. I tell you all of this not to brag but because this was WAY outside the norm, an exceptionally great trip and definitely worthy of praise. We may or may not have topped off our great outing with an Ice Dream.

And in totally unrelated news - I uploaded a bunch of my iPhone pictures to my computer over the weekend and thought I would dump a few on you here by way of update:

The Squirt is totally into guns, swords and capes now. He loves being a superhero, fighting bad guys and all of that stereotypically boy stuff. He's also identified Cinderella as the girl version of a superhero (don't worry - he will eventually be introduced to Laura Ingalls Wilder and Jo March as well) and asks if Sweet B is Cinderella every time she puts on a skirt. I die.

Sweet B is our little daredevil. She moved the stool in this picture over to the light switches so she could climb up and play with them. Seriously!?

She pulled a similar stunt last Tuesday which landed us in urgent care so she could get two stitches above her right eyebrow. - Sigh - Once again, I LOVE Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.

The new chicks are laying!! Woo hoo. Beautiful brown speckled eggs. They are giving us about 4-5 eggs a week now between the two of them, but they are just maturing so I expect it will increase pretty soon. They still don't have names.

And finally....most excitingly....the porch looks something like this right now. It might be done this stay tuned for an update!

Thanks for reading. I Heart you guys.


  1. This takes me back quite a few years, but I remember them, none the less. We celebrated big time when there was no spill at the dinner table. I had started filling the cups for the children only half-full because they always, always spilled. When we went a full meal without a spill, cause for celebration. My youngest had more broken bones and stitches than all the other combined. She jumped off the top bunk into a bean bag and wore a cast to a wedding, then there were the stitches that adorned her sweet forehead, some are just like that. They do grow up, and so fast (although it doesn't seem like it at the time). Enjoy them and chronicle their fun times like you do to enjoy later on.

  2. Yay for awesome Mondays!

  3. Trade you my MOnday.... Well, except that both me and Grant got in 2 hours of napping. That is a celebration over here! Glad you had a good day mi amaiga.

  4. And by "amaiga" I mean amiga. :P


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